Becoming A Runner

What do you imagine when you think about a runner?

Do you see someone wearing short shorts with tall socks, decked out in all the latest gear? Someone discussing their latest 26.2 mile conquest, talking of PRs and heart rates? Do you have nightmares of missing toenails and horrible blisters?

Would it surprise you that to be a "runner" you don't have to be any of these things?

To be a runner all you have to do... is run!

If you aren't running now, or are just starting out, here are some tips to get you out the door and on the road!

1. If you aren't ready to run, walk! walking or run/walking is a great way to get your body used to some mileage in a way that is lower impact.

2. Get a running partner. Running with someone at your level can help keep you both accountable for training and consistency. It can also keep things fun in the beginning, when its easy to burn out quick. 

3. Join a running group. A lot of cities have free running clubs that have weekly runs. These groups can help to keep you involved and informed in the running community. (Ex: Middletown @ Spoken Bicycles on Tuesday nights)

4. Try cross training to keep things interesting. Riding your bike or swimming laps can help build aerobic fitness and keep you from getting too burnt out on your running routine. 

5. Take rest days. When you first start out it can be easy to think you need to do too much. Your body will need time to adapt to the load of a new high impact sport. Make sure to give it adequate time to recover. 

See you on the road!

Kenzie Bruns