Do you stretch?
As runners, our bodies are put through a lot. The stress of the repetitive pounding on your legs and lower back can lead to injury over time. How can you fight it?
Along with keeping your muscles strong/balanced, and getting proper recovery, you should also work on stretching and mobility.
You may be surprised that many runners do not follow a stretching routine, many do not warm up before, or stretch after a run at all. While it may seem easy to skip, warming up and stretching after a run can keep your body loose, limber, and less susceptible to injury.
Here is a list of essential stretches that every runner should be doing daily:
Pre-Run Stretches:
-Leg swings (Hip Adductor & Abductor)
Stand facing a wall with your arms outstretched, feet placed shoulder-width apart. Balance on one leg and swing the opposite leg side to side in front of your body without moving your pelvis. Repeat on the opposite side.
-Leg Swings (Hip Flexor & Glute)
Stand beside a pole, wall or stationary object for support. Swing your one leg far forward and then back, balance on the other leg for support. Don’t just let gravity pull the leg – actively use the muscles! Switch sides.
-Hip Opener
Standing, bend right knee and lift knee to hip level. One hand on the knee, rotate the knee out to 90 degrees. Bring leg back to front; lower foot, and switch sides. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Post-Run Stretches:
-Lower back stretch from the floor
Lay on your back bringing your knees up to your chest. Keep your head down on the floor. Pull the knees into your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat.
-Glute stretch
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross your right ankle over your left knee. Grab behind your left knee and bring your leg toward your chest. Keep your head down on the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
-Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneel on your right knee, with your left foot in front of your body. Lean forward from the hips. Keep back straight. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
-IT Band Stretch
Cross your left ankle behind your right ankle. While balancing with your right arm, stretch your left arm over your head. Bend to your right side. Hold for at least 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
-Calf Stretch
Stand with your right foot behind your left, in a split stance (almost like a lunge). Bend your left leg forward while keeping your right leg straight. Be sure not to bend the right knee and to keep your right foot firmly on the ground, heel down. Straighten your back and hold the pose for at least 30 seconds. Switch legs.
-See you on the road!